

System for finite element analysis in geotechnical projects.

PLAXIS is a solution for designing and performing finite element analysis of deformations and stability of soil and rock, calculating the interaction of a structure with soil, the influence of heat fluxes and groundwater.

Apply hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic pore pressures, model structures and the interaction between the structures and the soil, and take on projects of all types such as excavations, foundations, embankments, tunnels, mines, dredging, and more.

PLAXIS 3D Suite.

PLAXIS 3D Suite - integrated geotechnical software for three-dimensional finite element modeling.

Perform three-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics.

Make your complex modeling easy with a range of CAD-like drawing capabilities and extrude, intersect, combine, and array operations.


  • Create 3D finite element models.
  • Analyze the effects of vibrations in the soil.
  • Perform time dependent groundwater analysis.

The PLAXIS product line includes a number of solutions that perform a powerful three-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability for geotechnical projects in the field of:

  • Geotechnical design and rock mechanics.
  • Operation of wind farms.
  • Seismic vibrations of natural or man-made origin.
  • Hydraulic and mechanical behavior of soils and structures.

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